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Supporting Our Work

There are many ways to financially support the Peterborough Unitarian Universalist Church in achieving its mission.


An annual canvass of members and friends seeks pledge commitments for the coming congregational year beginning on July 1st.  These pledges provide the basis for setting the annual budget which includes funding staff salaries, programs, and church operations.

Sunday Plate Collection

An offering is taken at each Sunday service.  Once every month there is a special collection that is given to an organization that is meeting current social needs. These can include End 68 Hours of Hunger, MATS and Shelter from the Storm (area shelters), our own Community Supper, Community Meals to Go, Horsepower (therapeutic riding program for veterans), and more. PUUC uses its Social Action Fund to match the funds collected on these Sundays, effectively doubling our contribution to these organizations.

Peterborough Community Supper

These free spaghetti suppers occur in our dining hall every Wednesday evening throughout the year.  There is a bowl for donations gratefully accepted, though not expected. Checks can also be made out to the Peterborough Community Supper and mailed to PUUC.

Persons with accounts at TD Bank have the opportunity to request that the Bank make donations to the Supper as part of the Bank’s program of supporting local charities, at no cost to the account holder. At year’s end, the Bank will donate $10 for existing accounts, or $50 for new accounts.

Monadnock Summer Lyceum

This unique program is supported by contributions directly to the Monadnock Summer Lyceum, which manages its own budget for speakers, travel costs, and publicity. Contribute to the Lyceum through its website.  The Lyceum makes an annual contribution to PUUC in thanks for its supporting role.   

Contributions to Our Endowment Funds

Contributions to our Endowment Funds are welcome. You may make a contribution at any time, or set it up in your will or trust. Funds may be donated for the support of the Building, Social Action or for Operating expenses. Note that the Social Action Fund is the account that enables the Church to match the monthly plate collection, so a portion of that fund is given to needy and worthy causes throughout the year.