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Spiritual Growth for Adults


spiritual growth

There are many opportunities for spiritual growth and development at PUUC beyond Sunday morning worship. Scroll down to learn what is going on and how to get involved. 


Coming in October: 

Share your reflections on Sherri Mitchell’s book Sacred Instructions 

One of the outcomes of the Who We Are! process was the expressed desire for increased spiritual growth opportunities. This year Rev. Lane and Dottie Bauer are planning several book reflections that we hope will encourage spiritual growth and sharing among congregants. We have selected Sacred Instructions, by Sherri Mitchell, for our fall reflection.


Sherri Mitchell was born and raised on the Penobscot Indian Reservation in Maine, is an attorney and has advocated for indigenous rights on the state and federal levels. Sacred Instructions provides “a narrative of Indigenous wisdom that provides a road map for the spirit and a compass of compassion for humanity.” 


The Governing Board has been including a land acknowledgement in the Sunday morning Board Welcome for some time, recognizing that we live and worship on land once inhabited by the Western Abenaki. This year they are inviting us to consider “what we are doing to seek wisdom from their elders,” as the acknowledgement says. One way to seek wisdom and address past wrongs is to educate oneself. What are the spiritual values of the indigenous peoples who once inhabited our beloved New England? How might we learn more and find ways to support their descendents?  Sherri Mitchell’s writing is a place to begin this conversation.

Join us on Wednesday, October 30 from 6-7:30 for this virtual discussion. Zoom link will be available the week prior to the event. Contact Dottie (dottiebauer [at] (dottiebauer[at]gmail[dot]com)) with questions. 


Sacred Circle Dance

Second Friday of the month in the Parish Hall, (excluding August) from 6:00 to 7:00 pm

PUUC will host a participatory Sacred Circle Dance for members, friends, and the general public.  Beginners are more than welcome on any of the dates and no partner is necessary. Each dance will be patiently taught by Lucy van Leeuwen, who has been teaching Sacred Circle Dance (SCD) professionally for 20 years.

Please bring or wear comfortable shoes. Masks are optional, but most participants are willing to mask if someone prefers that. The program is free, though donations are appreciated and will benefit “End 68 Hours of Hunger.” Please arrive a few minutes early as dance instruction begins promptly; just enter through the back door parking lot and come up the stairs or take the elevator to the Parish Hall.

Please contact lucy [at] (lucy[at]poetryofthedance[dot]com) with questions or to join the SCD email list.


Meditation group

Weekly on Tuesday evenings, 6-7 pm, Parish Hall

Every Tuesday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 the PUUC hosts a meditation hour open to all. 

Please enter through the back door by the lower parking lot. Come up the stairs, or take the elevator to the Parish Hall and remove your shoes before entering the hall. Please come a few minutes early so as not to disturb participants. The hour will start with a brief reading which will be followed by two 20-minute silent sitting meditations with brief walking meditation between. 

This is not a class, so some experience with meditation is necessary. Bring your own cushion, or use one of the available chairs, the floor is hard and cold! 

Contact Bryan at brysciguy [at] (brysciguy[at]gmail[dot]com) for more information or to join the meditation email list.


Caregiver’s Support Group 


Caregivers share concerns, stresses, tips, laughter, and support with one another in a safe, friendly, and non-judging environment. Contact Peggy Brown (peggy.brown252 [at] (peggy[dot]brown252[at]gmail[dot]com)) for more information and to join the group.




Small-group Ministry 


Small-group ministry provides an opportunity for congregants to deepen their spiritual experience and develop strong relationships with a consistent group of other members. Groups begin in the fall and meet monthly. They have used the Unitarian Universalist “Soul Matters Sharing Circle” materials as the guide. 

Contact Rev. Lane for more information.