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Dinner Anywhere - FAQs for Sellers


Q. I have questions; who do I talk to?

A. Debbie Bruchez or Jill Shaffer Hammond can be contacted anytime: or text/cell phone: (917) 833-6365 or (603) 547-0715. You may also email Vanessa Amsbury-Bonilla or call (603) 924-6245 in the church office. (Vanessa’s office hours in the summer are restricted, so please be sure to try Jill and Debbie first. We can more readily be available.)

Rules, FAQs for Buyers and FAQs for Sellers are posted on our website:

Q. Where do we get tickets to sell?

A. You may text or call Debbie Bruchez at (917) 833-6365 or Jill Shaffer Hammond at (603) 547-0715 or send an email request to and she will get tickets to you.

Q. Can tickets be purchased online?

A. No. According to state law, no organization is allowed to sell raffle tickets via the Internet.

Q. What payment methods are accepted?

A. Cash, personal checks or money orders made payable to "PUUC" with "Raffle" written in the memo line. PLEASE do not “pre-pay” for your tickets; filled-in ticket stubs must accompany payment.

Q. Is it mandatory to participate?

A. It is not mandatory, but we are asking each member to talk about the Raffle with everyone! The tickets tend to sell themselves. If we sell all 1000 tickets, we will not need any other fundraisers this year. However, we will likely continue with organizing fun ones like The Holiday Stroll and Spring Auction.

Q. I've sold all my tickets and I need more. What do I do?

A. First, pat yourself on the back for a job well done! Then text or call Debbie Bruchez at (917) 833-6365 or Jill Shaffer Hammond at (603) 547-0715 or send an email request to to turn in your sold ticket stubs and monies. We will then issue you another batch of tickets. When turning in your packets, please be sure it is clear which payments go with which ticket stubs.

Q. When do the tickets have to be turned in? Where do I bring them?

A. Optimally, you will turn in your sold tickets to Debbie Bruchez or Jill Shaffer Hammond or Vanessa Amsbury-Bonilla as soon as you have sold each packet. This gives us the ability to track our progress. Final deadline to turn in sold ticket packets is Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Q. When is the Raffle drawing?

A. After Sunday Service, September 10, 2023 at 11:30. The winner does not need to be present to win.

Q. I'm selling my tickets to someone who lives in another state. How do I get the tickets to them?

A. Please hold on to their tickets for them. Sign the tickets on their behalf (so you know it's their tickets). If possible, take a picture of the completed stubs and email/text the photo to them as proof of purchase. Do not send tickets through the U.S. Mail as it is illegal to do so.

Q. Anything else I should know?

A. Fill in the tickets as completely as you can. Name and phone number are the most important information! We want to be able to call the winner right away if they are not present at the drawing.

The Winner is entitled to one of four prize options:

  1. For travel outside of the U.S.A.: Two round-trip airline flights to and from any major international airport, dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice, and two nights hotel accommodations for two (the “Prize”). The destination and restaurant will be selected by the Winner. PUUC will select the airline and accommodations. The Prize does not include bush flights or ground transportation, alcoholic beverages or any other entertainment or services beyond those explicitly stated in these conditions.

  2. For travel within the U.S.A.: Two round trip airline flights to and from any US. airport (or other transportation of choice), two dinners for two at restaurants of their choice, and four nights’ accommodations for two (the “Prize"). The destination and restaurant will be selected by the Winner. PUUC will select the airline and accommodations. The Prize does not include bush flights or ground transportation, alcoholic beverages or any other entertainment or services beyond those explicitly stated in these conditions.

  3. If Winner wants to stay within New England, submit a proposal to PUUC. For example, rent a cottage on a lake for a week and host a lobster bake for a family reunion.

  4. All-expense paid trip to UUA General Assembly for two.

If there are any unexpended funds from the $5000 Prize value, a donation up to $500 will be made to to offset the carbon load of the winning trip.