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"We're Not Done: Continuing the Work of Dismantling White Supremacy"

Rev. Dawn Fortune

October 22: "We're Not Done: Continuing the Work of Dismantling White Supremacy"
Rev. Dawn Fortune
Rev. Fortune returns with a follow-up sermon to the one they offered this spring. Racial Justice is not a thing with an end date; it is not a box to be checked, a task to be completed and then forgotten as we move on to the next important matter. White supremacy is the culture on which our nation was founded and it lingers still in the air we breathe. In the past month, white children here in New Hampshire put a noose around the neck of a classmate who is a child of color, injuring him and causing headlines that caught the nation's attention. Racial justice work is not a thing that needs only be addressed in places like St. Louis or Baltimore or Dallas. It is important here. Join us as we consider what more we can do to bring racial justice into reality.