Whether you're up for a road trip or want to snuggle in at home, this is your morning! We are invited to attend a service with either of two neighboring congregations. Bryan Field will organize a carpool to Concord.
In Concord
Generosity Happens - Two Stories
On November 26 our congregation will be visiting the Concord UU to attend their lay lead service, meet other UUs, and see how other UUs do worship.
Bryan will be organizing a carpool to Concord. If you are interested in carpooling, email Bryan at Bryguy350 [at] yahoo.com (Bryguy350[at]yahoo[dot]com) by Friday, November 24, and be at the Peterborough UU parking lot by 8:30 AM.
We will leave at 8:40. We will not wait, so don't be late!
If you wish to join online, this is the link to their live stream - https://concorduu.org/live/
Worship Leaders: Betsy Black and Rev. Jim Curley
At this Thanksgiving weekend, thoughts frequently turn to our own lived experiences of Thanksgiving's past. For many of us, those memories may be joyful and pull up recollections of delightful family time. For some, perhaps, there was a Thanksgiving that didn’t go well. Maybe the food didn’t meet our expectations, or maybe the house was cold because there was no money for fuel, or possibly there were no funds for a Thanksgiving feast. What comes to mind for your most memorable Thanksgiving or generosity event? Betsy & Jim will co-lead the service and will share their own bits and pieces of their generosity memories, as well as reflections from other arenas of life experience.
In Nashua
We also are invited to join the Nashua congregation for an all-ages service, "To You I Give," led by the Rev. Allison Palm. Attend live at or by Zoom:
Phone into Zoom: 1-646-558-8656, meeting ID: 606 344 193