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Adult Education Programs at PUUC

Over the past eight years our goal has been to engage in programs that encourage fellowship,  spiritual and religious deepening, and practical ethical behavior.

We enjoyed programs such as Slides and Sides (potluck dinners with slide show), where members tell of their travels and experiences.

From October 2009 through 2013, the congregation engaged in several small group Adult Education programs around Marshall Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication curricula.  The mission of these offerings was to educate and empower congregants with the skills of peacemaking and conflict transformation. Initially, there was so much interest that two groups of ten people needed to be formed. After the first round of 15 sessions, one class continued for another two years meeting bimonthly.  Later, new participants were recruited to begin the original curriculum again. In 2010-2011, a sixteen week curricula for children about NVC called "Heart Talk" was offered to the Lower and Upper Primary School RE classes.

A year-long course on Wisdom From the World's Religions covered ten different religions. Several year-long classes dealt in depth with issues of ecology and sustainability based on programs from the Northwest Earth Institute. Over several years we offered a variety of spirituality/meditation based programs under the title of "Mindful Mondays.” Several PUUC members have offered ongoing Buddhist meditation and yoga groups, plus lectures on academic topics.  Non-fiction book discussion groups covered topics such as Henrietta Lacks, Atheism, and The New Jim Crow. The Social Justice Committee carries on an active programming life covering issues related to environmentalism, immigration, and LGBT issues. Our congregation is always eager to stretch ourselves spiritually, intellectually, and ethically.

The women’s theology course “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” was offered to several groups by then RE director Susy Mansfield between 1993 and 1995. The following RE director led the “Rise Up and Call Her Name” course. The bonds formed by the women who participated in these groups have been an enduring strength in our congregation. It is also a reason we regularly incorporate Earth-centered rituals into our worship.


For the Soul Matters Curriculum click the link below

File Size
Soul Matters - Welcome 554.49 KB
Soul Matters October 742.98 KB